Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Place observed

Former golf course area


This bird is impressive with its large yellow eyes and distinctive ear tufts. It is the largest of the American owls after the Snowy Owl. It has powerful talons and is a specialist in night hunting. The female is larger than the male and the color of her plumage allows her to blend in with the bark of trees.


Present on the vast majority of the American continent, the Great Horned Owl is rather sedentary and likes to frequent open woodlands, brushy areas and semi-open territories with groves of trees. It can also be found in large parks in urban areas. We now understand why it has been observed in the vicinity of Rosemere’s former golf course!


Its diet consists mainly of small mammals, insects, reptiles, amphibians and birds. Surprisingly, it can even hunt and eat skunks, thanks to its very poor sense of smell, which makes it the main predator of this species! It plays an important role in controlling the skunk population, but also mice and field rats.


This magnificent owl is unfortunately considered to be in decline at present. This is most likely caused by the destruction, fragmentation and decrease of its habitat. The degradation of the quality of some of its prey, contaminated by pesticides or heavy metals, could also be the cause.



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